impromptu and loving it

It all started with an impromptu trip to HomeGoods… I ended up running across about 20 of the most perfect pieces for my anthro-house…which has now taken a turn towards a JA (Jonathan Adler) house. I finally realized that I love the most bold, interesting and eye-catching decor – but with moderation. Adler tends toContinue reading “impromptu and loving it”

The Anthropologie House

The roomies and I have been combining our different styles: B – Mid Century Modern, A- Clean & Concise, Me…random mix of park avenue chic w/some beachy influence. OK so this crazy cluster of themes has created what our friends have dubbed…The Anthropologie House. We were pretty shocked…honestly we were thinking more along the linesContinue reading “The Anthropologie House”

don’t call it a comeback

Remember that LL Cool J song that goes: “don’t call it a comeback! I’ve been here for years…” That’s completely how I’m feeling right now because it seems like forever since I’ve posted…but here I am! And for those of you have been asking I am absolutely flattered that you are interested/keeping up. Thank you. So!Continue reading “don’t call it a comeback”

The Accidental Antiquing

There is something magical, addictive, and absolutely euphoric about California sunshine. Summer 2010 however, has been straight up stingy with the sun – until yesterday. I’m talking blue skies galore, a warm breeze and sun, sun, sunshine!  The best part about a warm day is a warm night, which in my eyes is cause forContinue reading “The Accidental Antiquing”